Duties Of Officials

Following works and duties are performed by the officers/employees of the Co-operative Department:-

  1.  Directorate level
  2.  Field level


Additional/Joint/Deputy Registrar (Admin) :

  1.  All matters pertaining to service of Govt. employees numbering 1060+2.
  2.  All matters connected with recruitments, promotion, disciplinary proceedings, leave, Provident Fund, Pay fixation, Pension and other related matters.
  3.  To act as controlling officer of Budget and accounts of the Deptt.
  4.  To coordinate the work connected with various committees of Vidhan Sabha i.e PAC Estimate Committee and Assurance Committee, Subordinate Legislative Committee etc.
  5.  Reconciliation of accounts and compliance of paras and notes.
  6.  Any other matter entrusted to him by the Registrar Co-operative Societies.

Additional Registrar Co-operative Societies (Monitoring) :

  1.  Monitoring of all ICDP cases with mid-term and annual appraisal of programme
  2.  To ensure timely statutory, concurrent and tax audit of Co-operative Societies.
  3.  Levy and realisation of audit fee.
  4.  Monitoring of arbitration, liquidation and embezzlement cases.
  5.  Policy matters pertaining to audit
  6.  Amendment in Co-operative Act and Rules.
  7.  To conduct Tax audit of Co-operative societies.

Joint Registrar (Marketing) Co-operative Societies :

  1.  To look after the working of State Federations, All Distt. Federations and other Marketing Co-operative Societies except Himfed.
  2.  Monitoring of all Plan cases of State Federations.
  3.  To examine the Service Rules/Matters of all State/Distt./Tehsil Unions.
  4.  To look after the working of Labour, Forest, Industrial and Housing Co-operative Societies.
  5.  Monitoring of all NCDC (Non-ICDP) Schemes relating to non-Credit Co-operative Societies.

Joint Registrar (Credit) Co-operative Societies :

  1.  Short term/Medium and long term Credit including correspondence relating to these with the Co-operative Banks.
  2.  State Co-operative Banks.
  3.  Central Co-operative Banks.
  4.  H.P. State Co-operative bank.
  5.  Agriculture and Rural Dev Bank
  6.  Overdue in te Co-operative Credit Structure.
  7.  Agriculture Stabilisation fund/L.T,O funds.
  8.  Waiving of loans.
  9.  Monitoring of all NCDC (Non-ICDP Schemes) relating to Credit Co-operative Societies
  10.  All matters pertaining to legal cases in various courts, follow up thereof.
  11.  Work pertaining to H.P. State Co-operative Council.
  13.  To examine and monitor Societies Registration Act,1860 and Sports Act 2005.

Deputy Registrar (Consumer) Co-operative Societies :

  1.  Monitoring of distribution of consumer goods and fertilizers.
  2.  Monitoring of Inspection of Fair price shops.
  3.  Monitoring of mis-utilisation of cash credit limit under PDS.
  4.  Distribution of margins under PDS to wholesaler, sub-wholesaler and retailers.
  5.  PDS complaints.
  6.  Correspondence regarding LPG agencies.
  7.  State level and district level PDS meetings.
  8.  Construction of Marketing and Rural Godowns under Normal and NCDC plans.
  9.  Financial cases of construction of godowns, under Normal Plan and Rural Consumer Schemes of NCDC.
  10.  BOD meetings of H.P. State Civil Supplies Corporation.
  11.  Sales Tax and matters of Food Supplies Deptt. and Revenue Committee.
  12.  Preparation of Annual/five year plan
  13.  To review budget under Normal/Special Component Plan and Tribal sub-Plan.
  14.  LTO policy matters regarding planning/recovery of govt. loan.
  15.  Redemption of Govt. Share and recovery of Govt. loan and interest.
  16.  Reconciliation of Plan expenditure with A.G.
  17.  To look after 20 point and 15 point programme
  18.  All work pertaining to A&S section.
  19.  HIMCOFED.

Deputy Registrar (Bank) Co-operative Societies :
To hear and dispose off arbitration cases pertaining to the H.P. State Co-operative Bank

Assistant Registrar (Audit) Co-operative Societies :

  1.  To conduct the audit of Apex level Co-operative Institutions and other bigger societies allotted to him by the Registrar Co-operative Societies.
  2.  To conduct the audit of Apex Bank regularly and side by side head the Audit party.
  3.  To issue comments on the audit notes of all State partners Primary Agriculture Societies and also review compliance of Audit notes of those societies.
  4.  Any other work assigned by the Registrar Co-operative Societies.

Assistant Controller (Finance & Accounts) :

  1.  To assist in framing of budget estimates of receipts and expenditure, scrutiny of proposals for new expenditure and to ensure their factual submission to the Finance Department.
  2.  To exercise check on receipts and accounts of stores and stocks and inspect subordinate offices to detect laxity in raising demands of leakage of revenue.
  3.  To ensure that correct financial procedures are followed, expenditure and receipts are properly accounted for financial powers are not abused and cannons of financial propriety are strictly adhered to.
  4.  To carry out internal check of appropriation/receipts of departments, to advise their respective departments in financial matters.
  5.  To assist in timely preparation of financial returns and statements and performa accounts if any.
  6.  To help in the disposal of important references relating to Finance and accounts.
  7.  To advise the Head of Department in the maters of tenders for supplies and works and agreements thereof.
  8.  To assist in the disposal of PAC para.
  9.  To help in the expeditious issue of financial sanctions.
  10.  To keep watch on the recovery of loans and advances of the departments.
  11.  Consolidation and maintenance of accounts other than cashiers accounts.
  12.  Issue of salary slips and maintenance of service records of Gazetted Officers (where pay slips system has been introduced).
  13.  Scrutiny of rates, technical reports and acceptance letters etc. In case of purchase of stores/stocks like store purchases Organisation.
  14.  Physical verification of cash stocks during internal audit and inspections.
  15.  Checking/giving advise on various kinds of bills/sanctions
  16.  Preparation of proforma Accounts, balance sheets in semi-commercial/ commercial organisations

Superintendent Grade-II

  1.  To supervise the work of other dealing assistants of the branch concerned.
  2.  To keep careful watch on the movement of dak and files between sections and higher authorities.
  3.  To ensure that all the manual, Rules, instructions, guard files and pre___ register of the sections are kept upto date.
  4.  Other works assigned by the branch officer and head of the department are also done by the superintendent Grade-II.

Personal Assistant

  1.  To maintain day to day meeting index.
  2.  To maintain ACR’s record of all the Gazetted officers of Department.
  3.  To attend the telephone calls of the Head of Department.
  4.  Dictation and typing work.
  5.  Other duties assigned by the Head of Department.

Legal Assistant

  1.  To maintain record of court cases and implementation of court orders.
  2.  To examine the cases under the Co-operative Act and Rules, Registration Act,1860 and Sports Act,1905 and to render assistance to advocate General of Hon’ble Courts.
  3.  To deal with Court matters like leave petition in Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, Civil Writ Petitions in Hon’ble High Court, O.As in H.P. Administrative Tribunal.
  4.  In addition to above he also deals in Civil Suits, Labour Court cases and consumer court cases.
  5.  To give his legal opinion on certain legal matters relating to Establishment etc.

Senior Assistant
Keeping in view the urgency of work due to shortage of staff following works and duties are assigned to senior assistant:

  1.  To work as dealing assistant in order to perform/deal with the matters/subjects assigned by the department/authorities.
  2.  Opening and maintenance of files, referencing, dealing cases including noting and drafting, recording of files etc.
  3.  To do the works/duties assigned by the branch officer/superintendent Grade-II of he branch/section concerned.

Jr. Assistant/Clerk

  1.  To maintain Casual/restricted leave register.
  2.  To works as store keeper, dispatcher, diarist and typist.
  3.  Dealing Assistant of works assigned from time to time.
  4.  Other works/duties assigned by the branch officer/superintendent G-II of the branch concerned.

Senior/Jr. Stenographer/Stenotypist

  1.  Maintaining the day to day meeting index.
  2.  To attend the telephone calls of officer concerned.
  3.  Other duties assigned by the officer incharge.
  4.  Other typing work of the department.


Additional Registrar Co-operative Societies, Dharamshala:

  1.  To look after the overall working of ARCS Circles i.e Lahaul & Spiti, Kullu, Chamba, Dharamshala, Hamirpur, Palampur and Nurpur.
  2.  Powers to sanction financial cases in respect of above mentioned ARCS circles has been delegated to him.
  3.  Administrative powers as well as powers under H.P. Co-operative Societies Act and Rules have also been delegated to administer the working of above mentioned 6 ARCS circles.

Deputy Registrar Co-operative Societies :
The Deputy Registrar Co-operative Societies at the Divisional level are required to control the Assistant Registrar Co-operative Societies functioning under their control. In addition to this they have delegated power of sanctioning loan, share capital and subsidy to Co-operative institutions. They also conduct office inspections, inspections of Co-operative institutions beside arbitration and appeal cases and also conduct departmental enquiries and enquires relating to functioning of Co-operative societies.

Assistant Registrar Co-operative Societies :
The Assistant Registrar Co-operative Societies at the district/circle level are required to control the inspections, Co-operative societies working at the block /circle level. They also supervise/control the Audit staff working in their respective District/circle. They have also been delegated financial powers in respect of Primary Co-operative societies. The Assistant Registrar Co-operative Societies also conduct enquires and in respect of working of the Co-operative societies also. They also conduct inspection of offices of the Inspector Co-operative Societies in their respective circles and also conduct inspection of Co-operative institutions in their circle. They also decide appeals and arbitration cases.

District Inspectors/District Audit Officer :
Duties of District Inspector
One post of District Inspector has been provided in each circle of Assistant Registrar Co-operative Societies. The duties and function are as under:-

    1.  To assist the Assistant Registrar Co-operative Societies in office as well as in field duties.
    2.  To monitor the work of Inspector (General) of their respective circles.
    3.  To conduct the inspection of District Federations and Marketing societies oof their circles.
    4.  To conduct enquiries relating to the affairs of Co-operative societies besides disposal of Arbitration and liquidation cases of Co-operative societies.

Duties of District Audit Officer
One post of District Audit Officer has been provided in each circle of Assistant Registrar Co-operative Societies whose duties are as under:-

  1.  To supervise the work of Audit conducted by the Inspector (Audit) of their circle.
  2.  To assist Assistant Registrar Co-operative Societies in office as well as field so far as work relating to audit of Co-operative societies is concerned.
  3.  To conduct he audit of Distt. Federations and all marketing societies of their circle.
  4.  To conduct test audit of Co-operative societies where it is found necessary.
  5.  To dispose of arbitration case and other works entrusted by the Assistant Registrar Co-operative Societies.

Inspector (General) Co-operative Societies :
Duties of Block Level Inspector

  1.  To supervise the work of remaining Inspectors working in the sub-circle of the block.
  2.  To conduct the inspection of Co-operative institutions functioning in the block
  3.  To initiate/write Annual confidential reports of remaining Inspectors working in the sub-circle of the block.
  4.  To monitor and coordinate the working of other inspectors of the block
  5.  To approve tour programme, issue remarks on the diaries and also to sanction casual leave upto 4 days of other inspector of the block.
  6.  To issue remarks on visit notes to be submitted by the Inspector of he sub-circle of the block.
  7.  To distribute sub-circle wise plan budget received from the Govt. through their Assistant Registrar Co-operative Societies and to ensure preparation of financial cases and utilization of full plant budget placed at the disposal of the respective block Inspector.
  8.  To recover Co-operative bank loan, Govt. loan, Audit fee, Govt. share, dividend etc. from the societies and deposit the same into concerned bank or Govt. Treasury
  9.  To get the audit note formalities completed with by the concerned societies an sent to the Assistant Registrar Co-operative Societies for further action.
  10.  To conduct the statutory enquiries of their respective Co-operative societies as and when entrusted.
  11.  To decide arbitration and liquidation cases of Co-operative societies.
  12.  To prepare annual statements of the societies functioning in the block.
  13.  To guide the secretaries of Co-operative societies with regard to completion of all type of records of society and implementation of Govt. directions and instructions issued from time to time
  14.  To get timely elections of Co-operative societies conducted.
  15.  5 to 10 society will also remain under the direct supervision of block level inspectors. He will visit every society under his supervision once in each quarter and submit visit notes other inspectors of sub-circles to the concerned Assistant Registrar Co-operative Societies.

Duties of Inspectors (at Sub-Circle)

  1. To visit each society once in every quarter of his jurisdiction and to prepare visit note and to furnish the same to the Block level Inspector. The visit note will contain following points:-
    1.  Detail of visit to the society by the Inspector sub-circle date and time, mode of journey and distance be give. Details of his last visit to the society by the inspector with date, if any departmental officer visited the society between the period of present and last visit or inspector sub-circle, his name, designation and purpose of journey be discussed.
    2.  The stock in hand according to stock register and stock actually found on the date of inspector sub-circle/block level visit to the society. If any difference was found, what action was taken by the inspector on the spot, if there is stock of foodgrains, pulses, rice etc. in the society then there is no need to weigh the same fully. Shortage of stock may be assessed by presumption of average weight of the bag so that the society may not be financially burdened due to time and again weighment of stocks and small articles should be counted easily.
    3.  How much cash credit limit (fertilizer) has been got sanctioned by the society and cost of fertilizer purchased out of the sanctioned limit? How much sold in cash or on pronote upto the date of visit? How much amount deposited in bank or found in cash book? How much stock of fertilizer was found on the spot? Whether it is correct according to the cash credit limit (fertilizer)? If there is any difference what action was taken by the Inspector sub-circle on the spot.
    4.  Whether account (record) of the society were complete on the date of visit of Inspector or not? If not complete, whether the Inspector completed the same during the visit? If yes, details of record/registers completed be mentioned.
    5.  At the time of visit of society the Inspector should mention details of enrolment of new members, receipt of share capital, recovery of loan and advancement of loan which the society has made between his previous and present visits and comments relating to these points.
    6.  What was the cash balance as per cash book of the society on the date of visit of Inspector? Had the concerned person signed it or not? Was this cash in hand within the prescribed limit and with authorised person as per bye-laws of the society and found correct? If not, what action was taken by the Inspector on the spot? Every Inspector should direct he cashier of the society to deposit the cash balance with the Co-operative bank/Nationalized bank/post office situated at the Headquarters of the society so that there may not be any difficulty in day to day withdrawal of the money.
    7.  Had the society procured securities as per directions of the Registrar Co-operative Societies from its employees or not? If not, detail of action taken on the spot.
    8.  Had the society deposited Audit Fee, Govt. loan, interest on Govt. loan payable to the department or not? If not mention detail of action taken to get the same deposited on the spot.
    9.  Whether copies of Act, Rules, Bye-laws, Registration papers of the society approved by the departmental officer are available on record or not? If not action taken for their availability be mentioned.
    10.  What was the date of last General House? Had period of society General House become over 15 months? If yes, mention details about calling the General House. Are the meeting of managing committee being held regularly according to the Rules or not? Detail of presence of Managing Committee meeting of the society containing details of Govt. nominee also.
    11.  Had the compliance report of previous audit and inspection note been sent to the department by the society or not, action taken in this regard by calling managing committee meeting?
    12.  Had the Inspector contacted the loanees to recover the overdue amount or not? If he contacted the loanee detail of amounts recovered and list of loanees be prepared.
    13.  Verification of accounts of society giving details of confirmation of accounts from debtors and creditors by the secretary of the society may be given by the Inspector during his visit to the society. If the secretary of the society has not got confirmed the accounts from debtors and creditors, what steps have been taken on the spot?
    14.  Details of action taken by the Inspector during visit to sanction short term loan, Medium term loan and cash credit limit (fertilizer). Has the society taken action to get these limits fixed or not? If not, what action have been taken to fix these limits?
    15.  Had the society prepared ‘Kistbandi’ to recover the loan or not? If not, what action have been taken to prepare the Kistbandi?
    16.  Detail of cases prepared under Section 90-A and 72 by the society against their defaulter member and against whom action has not yet been completed detail of suggestions given to the society to get such cases disposed of timely and immediately after completing proceeding.

    2. To prepare financial cases under the Govt. scheme as per the budget placed by the block level Inspector to the Co-operative Societies of the respective sub-circle and to ensure their utilization.

Inspector (Audit) Co-operative Societies :
They have been posted at the Headquarter of Assistant Registrar Co-operative Societies circles and are deputed to Co-operative societies to conduct the audit by the concerned Assistant Registrar Co-operative Societies.

Inspector Co-operative Societies (Audit) are required to conduct audit of Co-operative institutions/societies as allotted to them.

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