Under the provision of sections 93 and 94, certain processes, awards or decisions of the Registrar or persons subordinate to him may be challenged by the aggrieved parties before the higher designate authorities for a reconsideration/review/re-examination in order to decide whether the same were suitable, consistent, satisfactory, in accordance with the principles of fair play and natural justice and whether they should for any reasons be modified, annulled or reversed.
An appeal against any process, decision or order as enlisted under section 93(1) should be made within 60 days from the date of decision, award, or order.
The appeal shall lie to the Govt. if the decision or order was made by the Registrar/Addl.Registrar/Joint Registrar. In other cases it shall lie to the Registrar or to the Additional/ Joint Registrar if duly authoriesed in that behalf.
The State government except in a case in which an appeal is preferred under section 93 may call for and examine the record of any inquiry, or inspection held or made under the Act or any proceedings of the Registrar or any person subordinate to him under section 94 meant for review and revision.
The Registrar may also review any order passed by himself or call for and examine the record of any inquiry or inspection held or made under the Act or the proceedings of any person subordinate to him.
The application for review/revision may be made within 90 days from the date of the communication of the order sought to be reviewed/revised. The notice/intimation to the affected party is a must while review of certain order or award, as the case may be, is to be entertained by the Registrar or the State Government.