Instructions and Procedure for Online Registration of Society under The HP Societies Registration Act, 2006
Step 1  Account Registration
  1. Fill the Account Registration Form and Submit. Note down the System Generated Registration ID (This will be your Login ID as well). An activation code will be sent to your registered Mobile No and Email ID.
    Note : It may be ensured that the login ID should be made in the name of any of the officer bearers of the proposed society along with his/her own contact number for communication purpose and to ascertain the validity of applicant.
  2. Click on the Activation link. Use your Registration ID and Activation code to Activate your account.
  3. Once the account is activated, Log in using your credentials.

Step 2  Procedure to Fill and Submit Memorandum of Association
  1. Society Details : Fill basic details of Proposed Society.
  2. General Body : General Body should have a minimum of 7 members. It is mandatory to provide scanned copy of ID proof (Driving License / Voter ID / Passport / Other Relevant Document) of member(s) enrolled (The scanned copy should be in pdf format and its size should not exceed 150 KB).
    Note : Only one member from a family ("family" means husband, wife and their unmarried sons and daughters) can be admitted/enrolled.
    For Registration of state level society the members should be from at least three districts, for registration of District level society the members should be from at least three sub divisions and for registration of societies at block/sub division level members should be taken from the concerned block/sub division.
  3. Copy of Society byelaws : Upload a signed scanned Copy of Society byelaws (The scanned copy of Society byelaws should be in pdf format and its size should not exceed 2 MB).
  4. Election Details : Fill elections Details (The term of Election cannot be more than 3 years).
  5. Copy of Proceeding of Meeting : Upload a signed scanned copy of Proceeding of Meeting (The scanned copy of Proceeding of Meeting should be in pdf format and its size should not exceed 500 KB).
  6. Governing Body :Governing Body should have a minimum of 3 members (Members shall be selected from General Body)
  7. Other Documents :Generate the corresponding documents, Sign them as required and Upload a scanned copy of each (The scanned copy of each document should be in pdf format and its size should not exceed 100 KB).
  8. Submit the form. Regularly monitor the status of your application (The Final approval of your application can take some time. In the mean time you will intimitated via sms/email regarding the ongoing approval process.)

Step 3  Submit Registration Fee
  1. During the Approval process, you will be prompted via sms/email or on your home poge (dashboard) to submit registration Fee.
  2. Submit the registration fee and provide us the corresponding e-challan details online.
Registration Fees :
Type of Society Fee Amount
Mahila Mandal having area of operation confined to a part or whole of Gram Panchayat 200/-
Yuvak Mandal having area of operation confined to a part or whole of Gram Panchayat 200/-
Others 500/-
The Registration fee can be remitted in the following ways :
  1. Through eChallan via Department of Finance website ( by deposit of prescribed fees in the Head of Account : 0425-00-800 OTHER RECEIPTS, under Department : Co-Operative Societies.
Note : Service Charges & Service Taxes (as applicable) will be charged extra by the Bank

Step 4  Download e-Certificate of Registration
Once your application is Approved, You will get a link in the options to download your System Generated e-Certificate of Registration.

Create an Account for Society Registration Under HP Societies Registration Act, 2006
Note : It may be ensured that the Account/Login ID should be made in the name of any one of the officer bearers of the proposed Society along with his/her own contact number for communication purpose and to ascertain the validity of Applicant.
The HPCD Login Account Passwords
●   should be atleast 8 characters long and not longer than 16 characters
●   should contain atleast one uppercase character (A through Z)
●   should contain atleast one lower case character (a through z)
●   should contain atleast one base 10 digit (0 through 9)
●   should contain atleast one non alphanumeric character (!@#$%^ etc)
Disclaimer : Website is designed and developed by NIC Himachal Pradesh. Contents on this website are published and managed by the Department of Cooperation, HP. For any query regarding this website, please contact the Web Information Manager: Sh. Gaurav Chauhan, Dy. Registrar Cooperative Societies, rcs-hp[at]nic[dot]in. The content on site is informative and neither the Department nor the NIC is responsible for any in-advertent errors.
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