Last updated on : 30.04.2017

Schemes Being Implemented

Co-operative has aptly been described as a movement rather than a mere programme. Its objectives cover acceleration of economic growth coupled with social justice. It is conceived as an important factor in building up an egalitarian and non-exploitative and social order. Co-operative movement in Himachal Pradesh presents a picture of adequate coverage both village-wise and Family wise. As on 31st March, 2003 all the villages in the State stood covered by the movement thereby covering 100% rural population.

1.   Direction & Administration
This is a continuing staff scheme. This scheme has been transferred to Non-Plan vide Planning department letter No. Plg.FC (F) 3- 1/2003-2004 dated 15-05-2003.

2.   Training, Education & Exhibition, Study Tours & Seminars
The H.P. State Co-operative Development Federation is the Agency for the implementation of Co-operative Training and Education programmes in the State. The aforesaid federation is proposed to be assisted for the payment of stipends to the trainees and publication of literature and construction of Shkeri bhawan etc, This scheme has also been transferred to Non-Plan as referred to vide S. No. 1.

3.  Credit Co-operatives
Share capital contribution to primary agriculture Credit Co-operatives. There are 2115 primary agricultural credit societies functioning in the State with a membership of 11.27 lacs persons. The State Govt. is providing share capital assistance to the credit cooperatives under Scheduled caste Sub-Plan and Tribal Sub-Plan In addition the societies in Tribal areas are also entitled to get managerial, interest and working capital subsidy. The schematic allocation of budget (demand wise) is as under:-

Demand No. Sr. No. Head Account Name of The Scheme Approved Outlay 2016-2017
Normal Plan
21 1. Approved Outlay 2016-2017 Subsidy/State Share under ICDP 1.00
Scheduled Castes Sub Plan
32 1. 2425-00-789-01(S50N) Plan SOE-63 -Do- 1.00
2. 4425-789-01(SOON) Plan SOE-43 Share Capital to MP rural Coops 16.00
Tribal Sub Plan
31 1. 4425-796-01(SOON) Plan SOE-43 -Do- 0.50
2. 2425-796-01-(SOON) Plan SOE-42 Managerial subsidy to PACS 8.10
3. -Do- Working capital subsidy to PACS 8.10
4. -Do- Sub-rate of intt. To credit coops 1.20
5. -Do- Enrollment subsidy to new member 0.75

4.  Warehousing, Marketing and storage>
There are 250 marketing societies functioning in the State which include and Apex Federation, 5 districts level and 30 primary marketing Co-operative societies and 214 specialised marketing societies. These societies are dealing in the marketing of agricultural as well as horticultural produce, distribution of consumer articles and agricultural inputs. It is proposed to provide them share capital contribution during the 13th plan period. The provisions for M/Subsidy to marketing Co-operative, Price fluctuation fund and working capital subsidy to marketing Co-operative have been made under Tribal Sub-Plan. The details of which is as under:-.

Demand No. Sr. No. Head Account Name of The Scheme Approved Outlay 2016-2017
31 Tribal Sub Plan
1. 4425-796-01-(SOON) Plan SOE-43 Share capital to Mktg. coops 1.50
2. 2425-796-01(SOON)Plan SOE 42 Managerial sub. To Mktg. Coops 9.10
3. -Do- Price Fluctuation fund subsidy 6.00
4. -Do- SOE-5 Office expenditure 5.42
5. -Do- SOE-30 Motor vehicle 1.40
5. -Do- SOE-42 Working capital sub-to Mktg 6.53

5.   Consumer Co-operatives
The strengthening of the public distribution system in one items of the 20 - point programme. In this programme, the Co-operative play predominant role. Out of 3566 fair price shops in the State, 2674 fair price shops are under Co-operative sector. In the distribution of consumer articles, marketing societies, Primary Agriculture credit societies and consumer store are mainly involved. The State Govt. helps these Co-operative Societies by way of contributing in share capital, providing managerial, interest subsidy and godown subsidy. The detail of which is as under:-

Demand No. Sr. No. Head Account Name of The Scheme Approved Outlay 2016-2017
32 Scheduled castes sub plan
1. 4408-01-789-02(SOON) Plan SOE-43 Share capital to consumer coops 16.00
31 Tribal sub plan
1. 4408-02-796-02(SOON)Plan SOE-43 -Do- 0.50
3. 2408-01-796-02(SOON)Plan SOE-44 GIA for construction of rural/mktg. godown 27.00
3. 2408-01-796-03(SOON)Plan SOE-42 Sub. Rate of intt./working capital to consumer coops 6.40

6.  Industrial Co-operative
There is one Apex weavers Co-operative Society, one Woolfed, 366 primary weavers Co-operative and 143 other types of industrial Co-operative societies functioning in the State. The Apex Weavers Co-operative society has been organized in January, 1981. In order to strengthen Apex Weavers Federation Weavers societies and other Industrial societies, it is porposed to provide them share capital contribution under Scheduled caste Sub-Plan side as referred to vide S. No. 1 above.

Demand No. Sr. No. Head Account Name of The Scheme Approved Outlay 2016-2017
31 Tribal sub plan
1. 4851-796-03(SOON)Plan SOE-43 Share capital to industrial Coops 0.50
32 Scheduled castes sub plan
1. 4851-789-01-(SOON)Plan SOE-43 -Do- 8.00

Apart from this, two schemes are being implemented under scheduled caste sub plan (Special central assistance). The detail of which is as under:-

Demand No. Sr. No. Head Account Name of The Scheme Approved Outlay 2016-2017
32 Scheduled castes sub plan(Special central assistance)
1. 2425-789-05(SOON)Plan SOE-63 Enrolment Subsidy to new SC members 5.00
2. 2425-789-06(SOON)Plan SOE-63 Working capital subsidy to all kind of SC coops 25.00

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