Promotion Orders

S. No. Subject Order Number Order Date
1 Promotion order of Senior Scale Stenographer to the post of Personal Assistant 4-39/99-Coop. (Estt.) 21/09/2024
2 Promotion order of Inspector to the post of DAO/DI 4-6/95-Coop (Estt.)-V 16/03/2024
3 Promotion order of Inspector for the post of District Audit Officer/District Inspector. 4-6/95-Coop(Estt.)-V 12/12/2022
4 Promotion order of Inspector Cooperative Societies, to the post of District Audit Officer/District Inspector. 4-6/95-Coop.(Estt.) 07/01/2022
5 Promotion order of Senior Assistant to the post of Supdt. G-II 4-14/74-coop(Estt.) 04/12/2021
6 Promotion order of Sh. Neeraj Sood, Deputy Registrar (Consumer) to the post of Joint Registrar, Cooperative Societies (Class-I Gazetted). Coop-B(9)-1/97-II 06/07/2021
7 Promotion to the post of District Inspector 4-6/95-Coop(Estt)-V 22/04/2021
8 Promotion order for the post of Distt. Inspector/Distt. Audit Officer 4-6/95-Coop.(Estt.)-V 20/04/2021
9 Promotion order of Senior Assistant to the post of Supdt. Gr-II 4-14/74-Coop.(Estt.) 18/03/2021
10 Promotion order of Sh. Shyam Lal, Peon to the post of Daftri 4-78/82-Coop.(Estt) 19/02/2021
11 Promotion order to the post of District Audit Officer/District Inspector Cooperative Societies. No.4-6/95-Coop.(Estt.)-V 18/08/2020
12 Promotion order of Assistant Registrar Cooperative Societies No.Coop-B(2)-1/2014 10/07/2020
13 Promotion orders Panchyat Secretaries to Inspector Cooperative Societies. No.4-135/78-Coop-(Estt.)-III 21/12/2019
14 Promotion order of Sh. Sudeep kumar and Sh. Ravinder Singh, Supdt. Gr-II. No. 4-14/74-Coop.(Estt.) 07/12/2019
15 Promotion Order Dated 03/11/2018 4-39/99-Coop.(Estt.) 03/11/2018
16 Promotion Order No.4-14/74-Coop.(Estt.) 25/07/2018
17 Distt. Audit officers/Distt. Inspectors 4-69/95-Coop.(Estt.)-V 25/02/2017
18 Personal Assistant 4-14/74-Coop(Estt) 25/02/2017
19 Personal Assistant 4-14/74-Coop(Estt) 06/02/2016
20 Inspector Coop. Societies 4-91/87-Coop.(Estt.) 21/09/2015
21 Senior Assistant 4-53/2008-Coop(Estt)-IV 19/09/2015
22 Superintendent G-II 4-14/74-Coop(Estt) 19/09/2015
23 Distt. Audit officers/Distt. Inspectors 4-6/95-Coop.(Estt.)- 19/09/2015
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